
After your payment is verified, it may take up to 2 - 3 business days to process the order. Most orders will arrive in 3 - 7 business days. All products will be shipped from US.

Important Notice:
Please note that we are unable to deliver to P.O. Box addresses. To ensure the safe and timely delivery of your products, we kindly request all customers to provide a physical address when placing an order. Additionally, please be aware that express delivery is not available for orders shipped to the Virgin Islands, Hawaii, and Alaska. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Once your order is delivered, we will send you an email containing tracking numbers. These tracking numbers allow you to stay updated on the status and progress of your shipment. We strive to keep you informed every step of the way to ensure a smooth and transparent delivery process.


We do not responsible for the following nondelivery issue:

  1. Shipping address incorrect/unavailable/incomplete
  2. Phone number invalid/unavailable
  3. Out of the delivery range

If you have any doubts, please contact the shipping company for further information or contact us so that we can assist you better.